BioPlus Resources

Cancer Care: A Peek into the Future

Written by Mark Montgomery | 2/9/21 5:00 AM

Oncology care is a dynamic field which is more influenced by scientific breakthroughs than many other types of healthcare.

The healthcare group called Advisory Board, which has spent the past four decades researching and providing insights about healthcare, recently convened a panel of experts to discuss this topic and predict the look of cancer care by the year 2025. This panel included providers, health plans, pharmaceutical companies, and even suppliers, who all came together to explore how market forces are likely to change cancer care in the near future.

The rapid changes occurring in precision medicine are expected to soon impact the delivery and payment of oncology. The key takeaway from this panel related to precision medicine. The panel shared concerns that the advancements in precision medicine are coming faster than reimbursement is set to cover high-cost (but effective) treatment options.

For this reason, the panel pointed out that: “Providers need support implementing precision medicine appropriately into patient care.” There are a growing number of diagnostic tests as wells as treatment options, which – instead of improving oncology care – can end up confusing patients and overwhelming providers.

In order to bring the science and the real world together, this panel notes that “stakeholders across the industry need to work together to create integrated, point-of-care decision support solutions that help all providers—from the most research-focused to community-based—select the right tests and treatments for their patients” as the rapidly evolving landscape is navigated.

BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy stands ready to be part of your team implementing cutting-edge oncology treatment plans.