Your patients deserve the highest quality care for their specialty pharmacy needs. For oncology patients, service from an Oncology Certified Nurse (OCN) ensures that will happen. BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy proudly announces the latest addition to our care team: Tracey Thrush, BSN, RN, OCN.
Oncology nursing certification shows that a nurse can meet the unique challenges of knowledge and experience for cancer care, particularly with the developments in targeted/personalized oncology treatments that require numerous care touch points.
Oncology medications generally come with distinct and difficult to manage toxicities and patients benefit from oncology nurses and specialty staff who can meet these unique needs. A leading cause of non-adherence with oral cancer medications is adverse effects. Careful management by a care team with special training in this area helps patients work through this challenge so they are more likely to stay on therapy.
With the support of an Oncology Certified Nurse on the care team, patients do better during treatment. This is part of what makes BioPlus Specialty Pharmacy a trusted partner for patient care for healthcare providers and their patients.
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