BioPlus ranks #1 in satisfaction with customer service representatives, as reported in a recent survey from MMIT. In fact, ‘great customer service’ was the key quality that differentiated BioPlus from other specialty pharmacies, according to provider/office staff. Similarly, a previous MMIT survey reported BioPlus as #1 in physician satisfaction for oncology specialty care.
This current survey, “Specialty Pharmacy Office Staff Satisfaction Survey,” was conducted by Zitter Insights, a division of MMIT and reported data from the second half of 2022.
The top marks for servicing the specialty pharmacy medication needs of medical practices and their patients are likely supported by the ‘fast and easy’ brand promise that patients and their providers experience with BioPlus as their specialty pharmacy partner.
The BioPlus service model runs on the Power of 2 – the first-of-its-kind 2 hour, 2 day, 2 click, 2gether promise.
It all starts with a 2 Hour Patient Acceptance Guarantee, which notifies physician offices in less than two hours whether a referred patient is accepted for treatment or not. After that, prescriptions move through our 2 Day Ready 2 Ship process.
Throughout every step of the process, a copay assistance team helps ensure that financial hardships don’t stand in the way of patient treatment. And, it takes patients only 2 clicks to refill qualifying prescriptions online. In addition, the 2gether program means better treatment access with our partnerships with nonprofit foundations and donations to OneWorld Health.
If you are a healthcare provider who wants your patients to get on their medication therapy fast and easy, refer your patients to BioPlus.
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